Welcome to Nutrimix

Your Home for Natural Wellness

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To be honest,
we believe in the power of nature to nourish and energize.

There are 4 really good reasons for us.

















Experience the love and care that goes into every spoonful of Nutrimix. Our blend is created in our kitchens, prioritizing quality, freshness, and a homemade touch that sets us apart.

What Makes Roshini’s Nutrimix Special?

  • A Symphony of Ingredients:

    • Imagine a harmonious blend of 30+ types of dry fruits, nuts, cereals, and millets. Each ingredient is carefully selected for its unique nutritional profile, ensuring a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
    • From almonds and walnuts to ragi (finger millet) and flaxseeds, our Nutrimix celebrates the bounty of nature.
  • 2. Roasted to Perfection:

    • We take pride in our traditional roasting process. The gentle heat enhances the flavors and unlocks the nutrients, making them more bioavailable.
    • The aroma that fills your kitchen during roasting is a promise of goodness.
  • 3. Versatility in a Jar:

      Roshini’s Nutrimix is incredibly versatile. Here’s how you can enjoy it:

    • Morning Ritual: Start your day with a warm cup of Nutrimix. Mix it with milk or water— it’s gentle on your stomach and provides sustained energy.
    • Evening Boost: Wind down with Nutrimix as an evening snack. It’s a guilt-free indulgence.
    • Smoothies and Shakes: Blend it into your favorite smoothie for an extra nutrient kick.
    • Porridge: Stir it into your morning porridge or oatmeal.

Benefits That Matter

  • Disease Prevention: Regular consumption of Nutrimix may reduce the risk of various ailments. It’s like an insurance policy for your health.
  • Diabetes Management: The low glycemic index helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Joint and Body Pain Relief: Nutrimix contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may ease discomfort.
  • Immune System Support: Strengthen your body’s defense mechanisms.
  • Heart Health: Nutrimix’s heart-friendly nutrients contribute to overall cardiovascular well-being.
  • Blood Cell Boost: It’s not just a mix; it’s a boost for red blood cell production.
  • Asthma and Thyroid Management: Some users report positive effects in managing these conditions.

Simple Preparation

80-100 ml of water or milk 1-1½ tablespoons of NUTRIMIX Salt or jaggery/rock sugar to taste (optional) Instructions: Bring 80-100 ml of water or milk to a boil in a vessel. In a separate bowl, mix 1-1½ tablespoons of NUTRIMIX with 30-50 ml of water or milk. Once the water or milk is boiling, gradually add the NUTRIMIX mixture while stirring continuously to prevent lumps. If desired, add salt or jaggery/rock sugar for taste. Continue boiling the mixture for 7-10 minutes, or until it reaches your desired consistency. Serve the NUTRIMIX Malt hot or cold.

Explore Recipes

Nutrimix Chiffon Cake, Amritham Podi Cake, Nutrimix Laddoos—the possibilities are endless. Get creative in the kitchen! !

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We're a community passionate about healthy living. Join us on this journey to nourish your body and embrace a life filled with vitality! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram for daily inspiration! We share healthy recipe ideas, wellness tips, and a glimpse into the Nutrimix world.